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Launching Tokens on Celo using Gaia AI Agent Framework


  • Node (v20 or higher)
  • A wallet with some test tokens (more on this later)

Create a Wallet and get your Gaia API Keys

  1. Visit the Gaia Homepage and click Launch App.
  2. Click Connect, then install the MetaMask extension.
  3. Once installed, create your wallet and securely store your recovery keys.
  4. Finally, navigate to Gaia API Keys to generate your API keys.

Create you Celo Private Key

  1. Install the [Celo CLI](npm install -g @celo/celocli)
  2. Make sure you're working on Alfajores network
celocli config:set --node
  1. Create an account and store it well formatted in an .env file
celocli account:new | sed -E 's/: (.+)/="\1"/g' | grep '=' > .env`
source .env
  1. Copy the account address to your clipboard
echo $accountAddress | pbcopy
  1. Head to the faucet to get some money and paste your account address there
  1. Verify you got money successfully
celocli account:balance $accountAddress
  1. Register your account
celocli account:register --from $accountAddress -k $privateKey

If you open your .env file, you will find your Celo private key

Clone the Celo Meme Token Generator

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
cd celo-token-agent
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Create a .env file:
  1. Compile the contract
npx hardhat compile
  1. Deploy your token
node deploy.js

The script will

  1. Generate a token name
  2. Check your balance
  3. Deploy the contract
  4. Provide you with the contract address and transaction details

Understanding the Code

The project uses three main components

  1. Token Generation (tokenGenerator.js)
  • Generates creative token names
  • Uses AI with a fallback to random generation
  • Configures initial token supply
  1. Contract Deployment (tokenDeployer.sol)
  • Uses viem to interact with Celo
  • Handles gas estimation and transaction monitoring
  • Provides deployment status updates
  1. Smart Contract (tokenDeployer.js)
  • Standard ERC20 implementation
  • Built with OpenZeppelin for security
  • Deployable to Celo's Alfajores testnet

Example response

Generated fallback token: { name: 'Mega Gem', symbol: 'MG' }
Reading artifacts from: /Users/blag/Documents/GitHub/celo-token-agent/artifacts/contracts/MemeToken.sol/MemeToken.json
Deploying from account: 0x5A96d23F76440C099F22327D1324786f6abe459A
Account balance:
A-CELO: 1.08303052 A-CELO
Sending deployment transaction...
Transaction sent! Hash: 0x035457c46ef5118db065b0a2ccc6bae1ce62f1c8ef688bbaf2d2596a6dd0fbd8
Deployment confirmed in block: 38170881
Token deployed successfully!
name: 'Mega Gem',
symbol: 'MG',
address: '0x5e473F7650ABD9B6A5b28b2B0B64ebBd1ef01D94',
transactionHash: '0x035457c46ef5118db065b0a2ccc6bae1ce62f1c8ef688bbaf2d2596a6dd0fbd8',
explorer: ''


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